

You can overcome your fears and become your best self. In this new space, you will practice and model the essential behaviors and habits of courage that mark a rare leader of character. Using a long-proven and largely forgotten algorithm, you will happily improve how you treat yourself and others and stop major leadership sins. You will own and model Courageous Communication to reduce unhealthy competition and conflicts; defeat predictable obstacles to success; and increase effectiveness and the pleasure of teamwork in common cause. You will effectively solve recurring problems at their oft-ignored, moral root cause. You will use innovative tools and processes to form enduring and ethical teams. You will gain the rare ability to reconcile conflicts. You can learn how to hire for character. You can practice realistic, goal-achieving courageous strategic planning steps. To imbed the training content and for institutional sustainability, you will train others to also become leaders of character.

Warren Bennis, H. Norman Schwarzkopf, and many others, taught me the forgotten and Missing How’s of Character Development and Courageous Leadership. These equip people of all backgrounds to become inspirational leaders of character who form teams to achieve Built to Last and Good to Great-level results as operational realities.


I have trained for Lockheed Martin, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Whirlpool, Kaiser Permanente,  FBI, SEC, Calpine, Corbis/Microsoft, Blue Courage, Levi Strauss, Fisher Hamilton, West Point, ISEC, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Kansas City Police Department, California District Attorneys Association, California Highway Patrol, City of DuPont, Colorado Association of Healthcare Executives, Compassion International, DuPont Fire Department, DuPont Police Department, International Center for Academic Integrity, National Conference of Supreme Court Justices, Smithsonian Institution, La Jolla Conference, Vail Conference, Advocate Health, Anglo Gold, Asia Society, ASTD, ATD, California District Attorneys Association, Centura Hospitals, Colorado Association of Healthcare Executives, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), California Transportation Association, El Pomar Foundation, Executive Forum, Fisher Hamilton, the FBI, GAMA, the Governance Institute, Intel, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Kansas City Police Department and Leadership Academy, King & Spaulding, Levi Strauss, Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, many Men’s conferences and retreats, Massachusetts Corps of Fire Chaplains, Memorial Health System, National Association of Independent Schools, National Character and Leadership Symposium, National Weather Service, SSM Health, The Permanente Medical Group, Poudre Fire Authority, the State Bar of California, TECO Energy, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Transportation, Xerox, the U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Federal Academies Honor Conference, U.S. Federal Training Center, and the Young Presidents Organization, HQ US PACOM, Command Group, 4th Infantry Division, 2nd Bn, 198th Infantry Brigade, 11th ADA Brigade, 75th Ranger Regiment, 551st Special Operations Squadron ,and the 27th Special Operations Wing, among many others.

I have addressed many colleges, universities and schools ranging from the University of Arizona and Harvard to Stanford, UC Davis, Virginia Tech and Wittenberg and inner-city school districts where authors seldom venture.

I have coached leaders from Fortune 100s to include Abbott Laboratories, NASA, Caterpillar Mexico,  ENOVIA, Franklin Investments, Dassault Services, Johnson & Johnson, Kodak, Nestle, NORAD, Pfizer, Stora Enso, U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and Xerox Egypt, and ranging from CEO’s, presidents and FBI special agents to high tech entrepreneurs, software architects and engineers, pastors, sales forces, homicide investigators, SWAT commanders and NASA test pilots.

Contact me with your specific questions:

2 responses to Training

  1. So glad that I found your site, Thank you for the wonderful mission you have accepted

  2. My mom is your neighbor. I am chairperson of the Lakewood Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee, would love to have you speak to our group. If interested, please email me at It would be the third Tuesday, 8 am at Burs in Lakewood. Ken Swarner.

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